Imkoniyat Business Loan
Loan Terms
- Loan Purpose Allocated for any purpose not prohibited in the credit policy, for business development
- Loan Amount Up to 300 mln. sums
- Loan Term Up to 24 months
- Grace Period Up to 6 months
- Loan Currency In National Currency, Sums
- Loan Interest Rate from 28%
- The Form of Provision In cash and non-cash from
- Loan Repayment Annuity (equal payments) or repayment in the usual form Annuity (equal payments) or other forms of repayment depending on the project.
- Collateral At least 125% of loan amount
At least 125% of loan amount Following documents should be proviede as a part of the requirements of the credit policy and other internal regulations
- Filled Application Form;
- Constituent Documents of Enterprise;
- Decision of the Authorized Body on Loan Issuance (for legal enteties);
- Collateral Documents.
- Loans are provided for any business purpose;
- Loans are provided in cash or non-cash forms;
- Beneficial lending terms and tariffs;
- No independent appraiser’s report required when assessing collateral property;
- Free collateral property assessment
- Vehicles;
- Real Estate;
- Deposits;
- Other Liquid Assets.
All solvent legal entities with at least 6 months of work experience in the area being financed, and business entities without forming a legal entity.
Loan Calculator
* Please note that the calculator does not guarantee absolute accuracy of calculations. %
How to Apply for the Loan
To Apply for the Loan, Please Visit your Nearest Bank Branch.
For More Information Please Call
0-800-1-200-200Toll-free Call within Uzbekistan