About Bank

About Bank

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Hamkorbank" with the participation of foreign capital, one of the largest banks in the country, has been operating in banking services market of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 1991. The bank has 157 banking service offices located in all regions of the country.

The main business activities of the bank are lending to the real sector of the Uzbekistan economy, financing projects for technical and technological modernization in order to promote the production of competitive products and to create new jobs.

A special point in the bank's activities is occupied by financial support for small businesses and private entrepreneurship. At the same time, in addition to the development of the country's financial sector, the Bank puts a high value on the interests of its depositors, customers and shareholders.

The reliability and stability indicators of the Bank can be seen in the successful cooperation for more than 15 years with international financial institutions (IFIs) in the implementation of projects on microfinance, lending to small businesses, green economy financing, trade finance and technical assistance for institutional development. Cooperation with IFIs is one of the priority areas in the bank's prosperity.

Evidence of the growing confidence in the Bank on the part of international investors is its successful entrance to and strong reputation in international and local capital markets as a reliable borrower. This was confirmed by the partial acquisition of the Bank's shares from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Dutch Bank (FMO) and the Investment Company "ResponsAbility".

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VISA Classic Card
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