Compliance control
Compliance activities
In our bank, the tariffs for the services rendered are determined based on the “Tariffs charged for the banking services rendered to customers”, approved by the Protocol of the Board of JSCB “Hamkorbank”. Each bank employee must comply with the "Code of Corporate Ethics" when providing banking services.
In accordance with this document, the Bank does not accept any type of bribery and corruption. Neither employees nor third parties cooperating with the Bank may give remuneration to officials to obtain or expedite action on their part.
The Bank strictly prohibits non-contractual relationships with customers, contractors and partners that give an advantage to one of the parties and / or violate the legality terms of the contractual relationship.
Bank employees are not allowed to accept gifts, invitations or services in any form from customers or third parties.
The Bank's employees must not allow personal interest or other persons to influence the objectivity of actions in relation to the Bank.
““Clients are the important value of the Bank,
we are open, friendly and not intrusive towards customers.”
- If the bank employee: Does not comply with the “Code of Corporate Ethics”
- Your rights are being violated
- There were violations in the timely provision of services to you
- They require you to provide any remuneration for the banking services provided.
- Cases of corruption are allowed, such as abuse or abuse of power, solicitation of bribes and extortion.
In such cases, please contact the following addresses:
- Report the case through the hotlines of the Central Bank of the Republic Uzbekistan
(+99878) 200-00-44 or JSCB “Hamkorbank” (+ 998 78) 150-91-22 - Report via e-mail to the Central Bank of the Republic Uzbekistan or JSCB “Hamkorbank” - Apply through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services
( the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan or to JSCB “Hamkorbank”.
Compliance control documents
Last update date: 08/15/2022