History of the bank

History of the bank

  • Formation of the bank JSCB "Andijanbank"
  • Membership in the Republican brokers’ board "Tashkent"
  • Membership in the Association of Russian Banks
  • Membership in the Republican foreign exchange market in Uzbekistan
  • Membership in the Association of Banks of Uzbekistan
  • Building of branch network
  • Renamed Bank into JSCB "Hamkorbank"
  • First International Audit
  • IFC provides a first line of credit without a government guarantee
  • The World Bank provides a line of credit, the project on restructuring of agricultural enterprises
  • EBRD provides first line of credit to microfinance
  • Member of the international payment system "SWIFT
  • Associate Member of the payment system "VISA"
  • International rating has been obtained
  • Recognized as the most active bank by the EBRD program on trade finance in Uzbekistan
  • Adopted the "Code of Ethics"
  • The first issue of long-term corporate stock
  • Членство в Узбекской республиканской товарно-сырьевой биржи
  • International Finance Corporation - shareholder "Hamkorbank", the beginning of cooperation with Asian Development Bank, Islamic Corporation for Development of the Private sector, with Russian Company R-Style Softlab
  • Signed the Agreement with International Development Association. Beginning of cooperation with German Development Bank (KfW)
  • First agreement with an investment company «Triple Jump» towards the development of microfinance
  • The beginning of a project to organize own processing service and manufacturing of plastic cards for International payment system VISA and China Union Pay
  • The bank became a winner in nomination “Leader of the money transfer system ”Fast Mail” in Uzbekistan“
  • International Development Association (WorldBank) allocated to the Bank an additional credit line
  • «GlobalFinance» journal recognized Hamkorbank as the Best Bank in the Developing Markets in Asian region in 2013
  • The Bank introduced money transfers according to «CaspianMoneyTransfer» system
  • AsianBanking&Finance journal recognized Hamkorbank as the Best Bank for the small and medium sized business in Uzbekistan in 2013
  • The Bank opened a new branch named Chilanzar in Tashkent city
  • The bank introduced a new logo and performed re-branding
  • First agreement with IFC is signed in the area of financing the foreign trade
  • The bank introduced information support system for the customers – CallCentre
  • The Dutch Development Bank (FMO) has become the second foreign shareholder
  • The Bank acquired the status of the bank with foreign capital
  • International rating agency «Moody's Investors Service» confirmed the ratings of the bank
  • The Bank became a member of the Finance - Banking Association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • Winner in the category "Best Bank in attracting foreign credit lines" and "The Best Bank of the desire for the support of innovative ideas" at the exhibition «BankExpo-2014»
  • The Bank opened a new branch "Shayhantohur" in Tashkent city
  • The Bank opened a new branch "Bogishamol" in Samarkand city
  • The Bank began work to improve the financial literacy of young people and women entrepreneurs
  • Winner in the nominations "The Best Modern Bank Providing Services to Clients" and "The Best Bank in Attracting Foreign Credit Lines" at the BankExpo Annual Exhibition
  • The international rating agency "Maoody's Investors Service" confirmed the ratings of the bank
  • The Bank has introduced a new type of deposits in foreign currency "Kadriyat"
  • The Bank for the first time took part in the international money week Global Money Week -2015
  • The Bank became a regular member of the Association of Banks of Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE)
  • Bank was recognized as the leading partner bank of ADB in Uzbekistan
  • The bank introduced mortgage loans for the purchase of housing in new buildings
  • The IBA-EXPRESS money transfer system was introduced
  • The bank received an award from Commerzbank AG for its excellent partnership in the field of documentary transactions and international trade
  • The Bank has introduced a new product - the savings deposit "Profitable Card"

  • The Bank celebrated its Anniversary - the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamkorbank
  • The Bank published the author's book "Hamkorbank - 25 years in the financial market", dedicated to the 25th anniversary
  • Hamkorbank took part in the international forum iFin-2016 "Electronic financial services and technologies"
  • The Hamkor Mobile payment system introduced the services "Payment to budgetary organizations" and "Contactless transfers from card to card"
  • According to the results of the BANKEXPO 2016 exhibition, he became a laureate in the nomination “Active participation in the implementation of the State Program “Year of a Healthy Mother and Child” in the regions”
  • The international rating agency Moody's confirmed the ratings of JSCB Hamkorbank, where the Bank had stable outlooks in all areas
  • As a result of the “TFPAward 2016” award ceremony, Hamkorbank was recognized as the leading partner bank of the Asian Development Bank in Uzbekistan
  • A virtual reception of the Chairman of the Board of JSCB “Hamkorbank” was opened
  • Inha University and Hamkorbank started to jointly develop Internet banking in Uzbekistan

  • INHA University in Tashkent (IUT) and JSCB "Hamkorbank" signed a memorandum of understanding
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" took part in the annual "national exhibition of banking services, equipment and technologies - Bankexpo 2017"
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" and ICD (ICD) signed a document on financing;
  • The bank opened a new branch in the city of Angren
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" established correspondent relations with PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" opened a business center in the city of Urgench
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" opened a correspondent account with Kookmin Bank (South Korea)
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" introduced the possibility of paying for online purchases with conversion cards
  • Agreements for business financing signed between Hamkorbank and EBRD

  • For the first time in Uzbekistan, JSCB "Hamkorbank" implemented a system for registering deposits and making a conversion online
  • The service of remote issuance of cards for physical cards has been launched
  • For the first time in Uzbekistan, the issuance of a Visa Virtual virtual card has been launched through the mobile application of JSCB "Hamkorbank"
  • A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector and Hamkorbank
  • Joint issue of JSCB "Hamkorbank" and IFC bonds "Samarqand bonds", denominated in soums on the London Stock Exchange
  • Agreement on cooperation in the field of money transfers "Bereke" signed with JSC "Aiyl Bank"
  • Among the new shareholders of the bank - "ResponsAbility"
  • The bank successfully passed the audit for compliance with the quality management standard ISO 9001:2015
  • The total number of branches of the network of JSCB "Hamkorbank" has reached 42, nine new branches are fully operational

  • Online application for business loans launched
  • International rating agency "Moody's" has upgraded the ratings of JSCB "Hamkorbank"
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" started issuing cards of the Humo system
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" introduced the 3D Secure card protection service
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" started issuing Uzcard UnionPay co-badged card
  • The function of buying and selling foreign currency has been added to the Internet banking system for legal entities
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" introduced a new service - "Garant"
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" started issuing Visa payWave cards
  • In the Hamkor Mobile application, the possibility of crediting international money transfers "Golden Crown" to international Hamkorbank cards has been introduced
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" was recognized as the best bank in terms of the quality of services provided to business entities
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" was the first in Uzbekistan to provide the opportunity to issue a virtual Humo card in the Hamkor Mobile application
  • The total number of branches of the Hamkorbank network reached 43, the Kashkadarya regional branch began its activities
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" was recognized as the "Best company for an internship"
  • Rating agency "S&P Global Ratings" updated the ratings of JSCB "Hamkorbank". The forecast for the change in ratings is “Positive”.
  • The Hamkor Mobile application has the ability to replenish the Yandex. Money from sum cards of any banks
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" has introduced a new type of service - money transfers within the country in national currency
  • JSCB "Hamkorbank" started issuing Visa Gold cards

  • The branch network has expanded to 3 new branches - Kattakurgan, Shakhrisabz and Nuravshan branches.
  • A new service has been introduced - SWIFT GPI.
  • The Hamkor Mobile application has introduced the possibility of remote crediting of international money transfers "Zolotaya Korona" in the national currency to the cards of the Humo and Uzcard systems of all banks.
  • The Hamkor Mobile application has introduced the ability to make “one-time payments” to the accounts of entrepreneurs and enterprises.
  • An agreement was signed with the Netherlands Development Bank on the allocation of a credit line in the amount of 40 million US dollars for financing small businesses.
  • Hamkorbank started its activity in the international securities market.
  • Hamkorbank has established a correspondent relationship with the Bank of New York Mellon (USA).
  • The possibility of direct transfer of funds from Russia to Hamkorbank cards through the Sberbank Online application has been introduced.
  • A General Agreement was signed with the Mortgage Refinancing Company of Uzbekistan on the allocation of a credit line.

  • The branch network expanded by one more: the 47th (Mirabad branch) branch began its activity.
  • The loan portfolio of Hamkorbank exceeded 8 trillion soums.
  • Hamkorbank was recognized by Asiamoney magazine as the “Best Digital Bank of Uzbekistan”.
  • According to the results of the “Brand of the Year” competition, Hamkorbank won in the nomination “The Best Bank of Uzbekistan”.
  • Hamkorbank and the Asian Development Bank signed an agreement worth US$20 million.
  • Hamkorbank and the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) signed an agreement for a USD 100 million credit line.
  • Hamkorbank's assets exceeded 12 trillion soums.
  • S&P Global Ratings has upgraded Hamkorbank's ratings: changes at B+/B, positive outlook.
  • The international rating agency Moody's has confirmed the updated ratings of Hamkorbank: the outlook for changes is "Positive".
  • Hamkorbank celebrated its 30th anniversary.


  • S&P Global Ratings confirmed Hamkorbank's "Positive" rating!
  • Hamkorbank and Raiffeisen Bank signed a cooperation agreement in Chinese yuan.
  • Hamkorbank has launched a new business service — MARTA mobile terminal.
  • Hamkorbank launched a line of promotional loans for Kia, Renault and BYD cars.
  • Hamkorbank expanded its line of cards with Visa-Humo co-branded card.
  • IFC provided Hamkorbank with 15 million US dollars to support micro and small enterprises, as well as women entrepreneurs!
  • Hamkorbank contact center has been appreciated! Hamkorbank was awarded the "Excellent" (uz) AAA rating.
  • Two new banking service offices were opened - Mirabad and Sergeli.
  • On September 30, 2022, the Moody’s International Rating Agency rated the activities of Hamkorbank JSCB as “Positive”!
  • Hamkorbank's assets exceeded 17 trillion. sum!
  • According to the results of 2022, the international payment system Visa recognized Hamkorbank as a Reliable partner.
  • Hamkorbank entered the top 10 most reliable banks in Uzbekistan according to the Forbes rating.
  • Hamkorbank opened a banking services office in the Almazar district of Tashkent.

*Move the Slider to Learn More about the Bank History.

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