Business Overdraft
Last Updated: 13.04.2022
Loan Terms
- Loan Purpose: Satisfying the temporary and short-term cash needs of clients. This includes the purchase of raw materials, the purchase of finished products, the payment of utilities and rents, the payment of wages to employees and tax payment.
- Requirements for borrowers: 1. The Borrower should not have a negative Loan history.
2. The borrower must have a permanent income in the account for the last 12 months. - Purposes for which loan funds will not be issued: 1. Repayment of existing debt to the bank
2. Provision or payment of debt to third parties
3. Purchase of shares or securities
4. Payment of dividends
5. Cash withdrawals except salary payments
6. Make payments to the funds of the authorized capital of legal entities
7. Purchase of cement, coal, flour, oil, as well as construction and wholesale of soft drinks. (as an exception issuance may be made with collateral for vehicles, special machinery or in the form of real estate) - Loan Issuance Procedure 1. Loan is granted in the form of an open loan line used by the borrower on the basis of tranches
2. Loan funds on the basis of the customer’s payment order are transferred from the loan account to the deposit on demand. - Loan Amount From 100 mln. up to 5 bln. sums
- Loan Term Loan line term - 12 months. Tranches - 3 months
- Interest Rate Under Contract*
- Types of Collateral 1. Real Estate
2. Other types of collateral, based on the requirements of the bank’s loan policy
3. Insurance Policy
*The funds are allocated at the expense of a foreign credit line, in connection with which there is a one-time commission of 1% of the amount.
For legal entities:
- The founding agreement, copies of the founders' passports, the consent of the management body for the loan issuance.
- Сharter of the company
- Loan application
- Collateral Documents
For Entrepreneurs:
- Passport copy
- Loan application
- Collateral documents
During the term of the tranche based on the payment order of the client or on the last day of the tranche based on the memorial order of the bank.
- The absence of overdue loans to budgetary organizations and extra-budgetary trust funds on the date of loan allocation.
- When determining the amount of the loan, the receipts to the account of the client are not related directly to his activity, received as financial assistance or transferred from the secondary account of the client are not taken into account.
- Regardless of the unused portion of the credit line it is prohibited to use the next tranche or other existing credit line until the current tranche is fully repaid.
How to Apply for the Loan
To Apply for the Loan, Please Visit your Nearest Bank Branch.
For More Information Please Call
0-800-1-200-200 Toll-free Call within Uzbekistan