Board of Expert Council on Organizing the sale of Islamic Banking Products
Last updated: 21.11.2023
Chairman of the Bank's Board of Experts:
- Foreign citizen Muhammad Ibrahim Issa
Members of the Bank's Board of Experts:
- Citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tuychiev Abdumannob Jakbarovich
- Citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sultanov Dilshod Mirkamilovich
- Head of the Legal Service of the Bank Salidjanov Ilkhamjon Adhamovich
- Head of the Sales Group of Islamic banking products of the Bank Masabirov Yorbek Makhamadjonovich
Secretary of the Expert Council of the Bank:
- Chief Specialist of the Islamic Banking Products Sales Group of the bank Isakhodjiev Bakhtiyor Abdusalimovich
Mufti Muhammad Ibrahim Essa (Pakistan)
An outstanding scholar of Sharia in the field of Islamic banking and takaful.
He graduated from Jami Dorul Ulum “Darse Nizami” and “Tahassus Fil Ifta” (specialty of Islamic Law) in Karachi. Currently, he works as a teacher and member of Dorul Tau Jamiah Dorul Ulum Karachi, having written more than three thousand fatwas on various topics. He is also the Chairman of the Sharia Council at Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited and Khyber Bank, as well as a member of the Sharia Council of Zarai Development Bank. He is also a Sharia advisor to a number of national and international Islamic financial institutions, including Equitable Financial Solutions (Australia), Shariah Scholar (Bahrain), Shahid Afridi (Pakistan), Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance (USA), Artium Underwriters (London, England), Efu Life Assurance Ltd, Efu General Insurance Ltd.. etc.
Tuychiev Abdumannob Djakbarovich (Abdulmannon Abdulloh domla)
Abdulmanov Abdullah was educated at Darul Uloom High School in Deoband, India. Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf Rahmatullahi alayhi and Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Usmani Hafizahullah blessed him for spreading knowledge and enlightenment. He has 30 years of experience in Islamic finance. The author of a number of books on Islamic finance, during his trainings he taught more than 5,000 entrepreneurs the basics of Islamic finance.
Abdulmanon Abdullah led the fiqh section ( of the portal “” for over 10 years, which was founded by Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf. He has written hundreds of articles on the science of Fiqh. Answered more than 10,000 questions in the Q&A section “Zikr ahlidan so‘rang” (ask the enlightened people) on the portal
Sultanov Dilshod Mirkamilovich
Has 15 years of experience in the field of credit rating assessment of financial institutions. CIPA (Certified Islamic Professional Accountant) and received a CSAA (Certified Sharia Advisor and Auditor) certificate from AAOIFI, an organization engaged in the development of international standards in the field of Islamic finance. Member of the Expert Council of Assoodiq Consult.
Salidjanov Ilkhamjon Adkhamovich
He has 7 years of experience in the JSCB “Hamkorbank”, currently works as the head of the legal service of the bank.
Masabirov Yorbek Makhamadjonovich
He has 19 years of experience in the JSCB “Hamkorbank” and is currently the head of the sales group of Islamic banking products of the bank.
Isakhodjiev Bakhtiyor Abdusalimovich
He has 23 years of experience in the JSCB “Hamkorbank”, currently works as the chief specialist of the sales group of Islamic banking products of the bank.