Call for Tender Among Suppliers for the Purchase of Corporate Clothing According to Banking Standards.

Call for Tender Among Suppliers for the Purchase of Corporate Clothing According to Banking Standards.

21 / 11 / 2023

Requirements for Suppliers:

  • Experience in the Supply of Sets of Corporate Clothing in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • The Corporate Clothing must include the name of the supplying Company, Year of Production, and Contract Number..

Required Documents:

  • Quality Warranty of the porduct;
  • The supplier's certificate of entrepreneurial activity.

Terms of the Tender:

  • Proposals are accepted by e-mail:;
  • The letter should contain a commercial offer and a brief description of the proposed samples;
  • In the subject of the letter, please specify "Corporate Clothing".

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 4/12/2023

Quantity: Spicification attached

Currency of offers: National Currency SUM

Contact Person:

Contact Phone: 0-800-1-200-200, 1256 int. 1221, 1147

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