Call for Tender Among Suppliers for the Purchase of HUMO and UZCARD Payment Terminals

Call for Tender Among Suppliers for the Purchase of HUMO and UZCARD Payment Terminals

08 / 11 / 2023

Requirements for Suppliers::

  • Experience in the supply of HUMO and UZCARD payment terminals in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • The possibility of delivery in the city of Tashkent.

Required Documents:

  • Certificate of Origin;
  • The supplier's certificate of entrepreneurial activity.

Terms of the Tender:

  • Proposals are accepted by e-mail:;
  • The letter should contain a commercial offer and a brief description of the proposed samples;
  • In the subject of the letter, please specify "Terminal"

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 21/11/ 2023.

Quantity: Specifications is attached.

Currency of offers: National Currency SUM, US Dollars and Euro

Contact Person:  Enquiries: Murodjon Ataboev;

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