Opening a business
There are two ways to register your own business:
1. Visited in person. With this method of registration, you need to contact the Public Services Center at the place of business registration, where, after filling out the necessary documents, you will be issued an invoice by the number of which you will pay the state registration fee.
2. Online registration. It should be noted that when registering a business online, the fees and state registration fees will be 50% of the total amount.
You can get detailed instructions for registering online and booking a name by clicking on the following link:
By presented two ways in the above, you can register the following business entities:
- limited liability company (LLC);
- individual entrepreneur (IP);
- private enterprise (PE);
- dekhkan farm (DH);
Payment of duties and fees for state registration is made in the following ways:
- through payment systems;
- through the cash desk of the bank;
- through the client's bank.
After successful payment, the system automatically generates and saves the certificate of registration in the repository of electronic documents.
Useful links - Portal of electronic state services of tax authorities – Portal of the unified identification system – Public Services Center - Registration of the name of the organization